4 Main Inspirations for Starting this Blog

2:29 PM

I started my very own blog 2 or 3 months ago.. but it wasn't a success.. i had nothing much to write about.. i initially thought it could be personal thoughts and experiences.. but I wasn't really sure whether I want to share each and everyday of my life to the public. i didn't really want to expose myself that much. and I didn't want my blog to be all about songs, and videos and youtube, or random ramblings and thoughts. somehow, Facebook serves me that purpose.

Around July, I joined a Makeover and Photoshoot for a Plus-Size Blogshop / Online Community in Singapore
Inspiration No.1 ::  Big and Beautiful - Online Shopping for Plus Size Women.. I met other beautiful plus-size girls with plus-size personalities too! and ever since, i've always wanted to join their activities and get-togethers. I loved that the blog owners not just do business but they also created an Online Community. Their Celebrating Curves campaign catered to plus-sized girls in Singapore and allowed them to experience dancing classes, personality development talks, model clothes, go for photoshoots, go for beach parties, do music videos, join a fashion show and even join a pageant. All those things really inspired me and somehow,  I told myself I'll promote all blogs i'll stumble upon which has the same cause, and when I'm home for good in the Philippines, I'll create the same kind of community and opportunities. I'll do small steps, its gonna be a work in progress but I will definitely make it happen.. BAB boosted my confidence a notch higher and so I should inspire others and raise their confidence as well.

my friend Clara Su in pink.. been my friend since the Lollipop Makeover Event

Few weeks ago.. i stumbled upon

Inspiration No.2 :: Cosmo Philippines post regarding why you should start your own blog and how to maintain it. Honestly it made me look back at my old, untouched after 4 posts blog and inspired me to think of what I want, what I'm good at, what I am passionate about.. and it happened to be! Food and Flicks and most importantly, Fashion and Friendships :) i thought of a mix between Chictopia and BAB
Inspiration No.3 :: Moda Plus Model Search - - im glad to be among the qualified entries, im glad Philippines has started opening doors for the Plus Sized market.. i was so suprised when i hit the 1000th vote, and said if only I could reach 1,500 votes.. i'll push through with the blog.. and so, i did not just reach 1500, i ended up 1700++ as of 12MN last night and made it through the Top 8.. this search not only made me meet new friends, not just the contestants but my network has extended as well.. it taught me to love myself, it made me realized that there are other people who would believe in you and support you whether you haven't met them yet, and the more people believe in you, somehow you get inspired to show them you are worth their vote/support.. It opened a lot of doors for me as well in Phils.

Then last week.. I received a message on Facebook from
Inspiration No.4 :: The Plump Pinay by Sisters Stacy and Danah. I loved their blog.. i find the articles they wrote very witty.. they are stylish and like i told myself since i joined BAB, I'll promote all blogs i'll stumble upon which has the same cause. Danah by the way saw my photo from Moda Plus and sent me a message for a possibility of getting featured. She was so supportive as well when I told her I wanted to start a blog.. with similar theme as the one they have.. Inspiring Plus Size Women..

Stay tune for more posts..

pLus loVe, Aiz

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  1. Congrats for making it to the top 2! you go love! :)
